Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

   I know that you see everything so I'm not going to lie about being good this year! I have been pretty good, but you also know that I have had my moments of being bad. I figure that since I'm being honest you might give me some brownie points? I would really appreciate that because I really don't want coal this year! I know what your thinking this girl is crazy, but Santa I was raised to believe that people deserve second chances and to be forgiven. So with that aside I think its time to tell you what I would like for Christmas! I don't really want a lot of things. I just want some new clothes and a truck. That's not to bad, right?If you could help with me finding a job that would be great, too! I also would like everyone to have a great Christmas and for everyone to remember the real meaning of Christmas. That its not about presents, but its about celebrating the birth of Jesus. 
                                                              Yours Truly,
                                                          Brandi Ferguson
P.S. I will leave you cookies! Though, not to be rude, but really I don't think you need them because if you eat all the cookies everyone gives you, how are you going to fit in your clothes anymore? So if you decide not to eat them I will understand! It's better to not eat some cookies and have better health anyway! I'm just looking out for you Santa!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Favorite Show? (:

A year or so ago, I was flipping through channels and stumbled upon a show that instantly had me transfixed. "Bones' is a drama that comes on at 8 on Fox on Thursday nights, and I watch it every time it does! Its just something that completely changed my thoughts on people and a lot of things. It showed me that even though people are different and have different ideas they can come together and work. It can be educational, too! You can learn a lot of things about the body through this t.v. show! In such a few words I love this show and I think anyone that watches would, too!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Skiing and Me Equals a BIG NO NO!

Last winter my family and I went skiing. It was the first time I ever skied. I was doing really good until my mom's boyfriend took me on the hardest slope to ski! I was still doing good until he yelled my name and ran into me. Now, my mom's boyfriend is 6'5 and pretty heavy! I flew right into a tree and tumbled down a very steep hill. I still finished skiing down that hill and the another one to get to the bottom, but the next morning was a nightmare. I woke up to excruciating pain! My whole body was sore, but the worst soreness was in my shoulder. I shrieked for my mom to come in the room. My mom dashed into the room to see what was wrong. She examined my shoulder and decided to take me to the doctor. We packed up our stuff and headed out. When we arrived at the doctor's office the pain had got so serious I passed out! I found out that I had cracked my collar bone, broke something in my shoulder, and tore a lot of tissue around it. It was probably the worst pain I have ever experienced physically! It didn't help that my brother kept putting his hand on my shoulder and pushing down roughly on it! I cried like a baby!