Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Noche Asesina!

I stood and watched Thalia be led away to prison for something I knew she hadn't done. They accused her of shooting Logan Martindale. Though he is in the hospital, he is still alive, but just barely. Thalia looked at me with those tearful, pleading, eyes. It was as if she was begging me to rescue her. I knew she wouldn't last a night in jail. Thalia, though, she seems like a bad kid is really a good child. I knew I had to do something. I had to save her. So I set a plan to do just that. Now, i'm not just any ordinary girl. I have superpowers. I can read minds, climb buildings, run faster than humanly possible, and have strength that is not known for words. That would be one of the reasons I know Thalia did not do this, because seeing how I can read minds people really can't lie to me.  So as it turned to night I went to set my plans into action. I knew Thalia was on the third floor in the fifth cell. I climbed the building and almost ran right into a guard but I hid in the dark shadows as he passed. I ran with blinding speed to her cell and pried the doors off. We had a couple complications on the way out but besides that we got away. I took Thalia to Mexico until her name was cleared, and then returned to get her once it was. When I rescued Thalia something inside me changed, and I began to realize my true destiny to help those in need. I am a superhero. I am Noche Asesina!(Night Assassin)


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