Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The big talk today is about the girl who got fresh with her parents. Instead of doing just a normal punishment they decided to get a little creative with it.
     They took her phone and added about ten photos of them being dumb to Facebook. They did this to embarrass her as part of her punishment.  In my way of thinking, this is not really a punishment. Maybe for their daughter it was because it embarrassed her, but for me I would have just laughed at it. So I don't think it was appropriate for her parents to do this. They should have probably just went with a simple form of punishment. Posting photos on Facebook can just get her harassed and isn't really punishing her.
    If your parent pays for your cell phone then yes I agree they have every right to take your phone. They can access anything that has to do with it. They are your parents. You are supposed to respect them. At the age we are, what do we have to hide? So I think that her parents had every right to take her phone.
    No, I do not think that my parents would ever do this to me. They know that I would just turn it into some kind of joke.It would probably fall more into them than it would to me. They know I would just edit the caption and make some kind of joke out of it. Its pretty hard for my family to embarrass me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Uhmm yes..

Talent- something you are good at that doesn't take a lot of work from you. It comes to you easily.

So something I have been told a lot is that I'm really good at giving advice. People will come up to me and just start talking about what is going on. The look on their face when they ask me what they should do and I actually respond with consideration is kind of weird. I guess they think I am really not listening, but if your going to take your time to trust me with something you want to talk about I will take my time to actually try to see it how you see it. I'll tell you exactly what I think. If you like then okay, but if you don't well your the one who ask my opinion. Something I try to do when people ask me something is put myself in their shoes. I'm not saying I am a know it all. I just say it how I see it. I don't know if this is really a talent or not, but its something I guess I'm kind of good at. I started getting told this about my eighth grade year. I love helping people out in any way I can. So if giving a little bit of advice helps someone out, I'll do my best to tell you exactly what I think.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teens & Halloween?

I agree with the middle-grounders camp. I think that some teens really like to dress up and go trick or treating. Also if you have younger siblings, it is easier on the parents for the older child to take the younger child trick-or-treating. Another thing to think about is kids that are adopted at an older age, should they not have the right to trick-or-treat with their parents? Should they not get the chance to experience that because of their age? Their may be some who don't go all out for it and just do it so they have something to do. I think that older kids should have the choice to trick-or-treat or not.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fav Elem memory

So my favorite childhood memory would have to be when everyone got along. Your friends wouldn't get mad at you over a guy. You never thought your friends would stab you in the back. You didn't even worry about guys cause you were little. You would argue about the little things.Like who stole your pencil and stuff like that! No one would call each other foul words, and people were just silly little kids that had fun everyday. Most of all I loved the fact that you didn't have to try and dress up to look nice! You could just be lazy everyday! Those were the good ol' days! Now its just like none stop drama. Everyone is calling someone else something rude. You have no idea who you can trust, and who you can't. People judge you without even getting to know you. When I was little, in elementary, it was the best time of my life. Everyday was a good day. Also I never got clowned on for having red hair so you know that was pretty awesome! Elementary was amazing. So I would have to say everyday in elementary was a good memory! I miss those days...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Three Pet Peeves

Pet Peeve: 
Is something done that you are annoyed by. It is something that bothers you greater than it bothers others even if it shouldn't be as bothersome as it is. 
   He explained his pet peeve about people smacking their food.

1.) One of my pet peeves would have to be when people step on the back of my shoes. I hate when they do that. Instead of stepping on the back of my shoes just walk around me. Trust me, it is not that hard to do. Either take a few steps to the left or right and walk forward.

2.) Another pet peeve of mine would be when people come into my car and change things like a moment after I just did. I'm like seriously? I just changed that, and you think you are going to change it again? Especially when they change my air conditioning. I'm like ask first!? I just turned it on and your turning it off? Uhh, their is a reason that your side has a thing that can be turned off. 

3.) My biggest pet peeve would have to be when you ask someone to stop touching you and they continue to do it. Its especially annoying if they say your name while poking you! Its okay the first time for someone to poke or tickle you, but after like eight times? Just stop. Don't be surprised if I blow up on you after I have asked you five times to leave me alone. If your that bored then find another way to entertain yourself without bothering me.