Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fav Elem memory

So my favorite childhood memory would have to be when everyone got along. Your friends wouldn't get mad at you over a guy. You never thought your friends would stab you in the back. You didn't even worry about guys cause you were little. You would argue about the little things.Like who stole your pencil and stuff like that! No one would call each other foul words, and people were just silly little kids that had fun everyday. Most of all I loved the fact that you didn't have to try and dress up to look nice! You could just be lazy everyday! Those were the good ol' days! Now its just like none stop drama. Everyone is calling someone else something rude. You have no idea who you can trust, and who you can't. People judge you without even getting to know you. When I was little, in elementary, it was the best time of my life. Everyday was a good day. Also I never got clowned on for having red hair so you know that was pretty awesome! Elementary was amazing. So I would have to say everyday in elementary was a good memory! I miss those days...

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