Monday, January 23, 2012


It usually very easy for me to forgive. Though their are some exceptions to my forgiveness though, but most of the time I can forgive someone very easily. Even though I forgive I will never forget it because that is just the way I am. I go with the saying "always forgive, but never forget." I would still talk to that person and be nice to them, but I would never think of them the same. I wouldn't be as close to them or anything like that unless I honestly do forgive them with all my heart then nothing would change. So I mostly agree with the saying "not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die."It is a lot like that because every one makes mistakes in life so when we do instead just being completely mad at someone for whatever reason you are, just forgive them. Think about it this way, what if you or that person died the next day would you want the last thing between you and that person to be something as stupid as whatever happened to be going on?Forgiveness is the key element in a lot of things. You could go on with your life being so mad at someone about something and never forgive them, but who is that really hurting? It's hurting yourself. A person can only apologizes so many times for something. After a while though they are going to stop apologizing because what is the point in saying I'm sorry to someone who won't even listen and is never going to accept it. They will move on with their life's and you would be the one having to live with the fact that you never forgave them. It may not seem like a lot to have on your shoulders, but over a long period of time it will.

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